I'm sad
and disappointed with how the OFII (Office Français de L'Immigration et de
L'Intégration) cut the hours of French class of the immigrants. When we went to
OFII in Dijon to have my first Carte Sejour, the madame there said that I am on
DILF (Diplôme Initial de Langue Française)
basic level and I am entitled to have 400 hours of French class
Today in my new French school (since
February) my professor told me that I won't be having 400 hours, it's
down to 189 hours. I did 132 hours in my previous school and 21 hours in this
new school, that leaves me 18.5 hours. I don't need to go to French class anymore after
I complete the remaining hours, and my DILF exam date is on the 7th of May
2013. If I want to have French class on DELF (Diplôme d'études en langue française) the next level,
I will have to pay for it.
My professor doesn't know why the OFII changed
the hours; I wish she knew so she could explain it to me.
OFII didn't even send a letter to explain the new change/s.
Oh well. C'est la
vie !
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